Our Services
Our team vets your concepts at all project stages to steer entrepreneurs, investors, and business teams to make better product decisions, pivot early and maximize opportunities to the fullest.
We improve concepts and products to meet your business, marketing, and R&D goals leveraging in-house consumer, sensory, trend, and/or product development services.
Our product developers 3-dimensionalize your concepts as truly scalable prototypes in our state-of-the-art facility with labs, test kitchens, commercial kitchens, and an industrial kitchen.
Our unique model and modern approach to food design allows for fast answers, customizable solutions, and truly scalable prototypes.
And we’ll prove it.
Fast answers

Our Model For Fast Answers
Streamlined and nimble
Brisan has diverse product understanding and development disciplines under one roof, so when clients outsource to us instead of numerous third-parties, answers are faster because projects are streamlined.
Our Approach to Fast Answers
We provide faster understanding by starting with the consumer and embedding consumer touch-points along the product design and development process.
Iterative Learning
Make small bets through build-test-learn checkpoints with your target audience and trained sensory panels to minimize risk and maximize understanding.
“No one does what we do, no one.”

How We Deliver Customizable Solutions
Solution Plugins™
With barriers-to-entry lower than ever, a launch doesn’t mean success these days. It usually means more noise on the market. With our customizable plugins, gathering compelling answers has never been easier.
Our Approach to Customizable Solutions
Single or Bundled
Whether single or bundled, we make it possible to quickly tailor and integrate valuable consumer, sensory, and trend insights into your projects.
“Let data and niche insights be your compass.”
Truly scalable prototypes

How We Deliver Truly Scalable Prototypes
Everything the Brisan team does is grounded in food science (heck, even our Marketer has a food science degree).
Commercial feasibility check-points begin at the very first kick-off meeting, so you don’t waste your time and money chasing product attributes that aren’t attainable at scale.
We help you translate your 2D idea to a 3D product, pivot to stay within scope, and empower you with unique insights so you can celebrate more product wins.
Our Approach to Truly Scalable Prototypes
Commercial Guardrails
We guide concepts and create prototypes grounded in food science and manufacturing processes for truly scalable products so you can go-to-market with confidence.